Company Policy

Corporate Values

  • Honesty & Integrity
  • Fairness
  • Secularity
  • Equal Opportunity & Human Diversity

Corporate Policies

Honesty & Integrity
The company believes strongly in a policy of Honesty & Integrity with respect to all business transactions, interactions between the company and individuals in the company and the conduct of all individuals within the company.

Code of Conduct
The company strives to be fair in business dealings and in dealings with all stakeholders and to rely on this principle in making difficult choices and in resolving conflicts.

General Code of Conduct

Consistent with the Secular tradition of India TAAL is strongly Secular in its outlook: The company remains neutral to and equidistant from all religions. While the company does not encourage public displays of religiosity within official premises it does not also prohibit the same, so long as such displays of religiosity do not (i) require the participation of person(s) who do not wish to participate and (ii) they do not adversely impact the religious sentiments of any person(s) in the company (iii) do not occur during working hours.

TAAL is an equal opportunity company and does not distinguish between gender, caste, creed, religion or racial origin in taking any business decisions including those related to employment and promotion.

Sexual Harassment
TAAL is strictly intolerant of any type of misconduct that can be deemed as sexual harassment. The company strives to maintain the respect and dignity of each sex alike and seeks commensurate behavior from all its employees. The policy and circular issued by ISMT Limited for all categories of its employees is also applicable to all categories of employees of companies forming part of its Group.For a complete description of the said policy and the circular, as applicable to all categories of employees of Taneja Aerosapce and Aviation Limited,Please Click here

TAAL will strive, to the best of its ability, to discharge it financial obligations towards vendors and suppliers as per the agreed terms .In case of unavoidable delays, the company shall do it best to discuss matters with the parties involved and find a mutually acceptable solution. Similarly, on termination of employment the company shall settle employee dues immediately if possible and otherwise at the earliest possible date such that minimum inconvenience is caused to the ex-employee.

Conduct towards employees
The company shall strive to behave professionally, courteously and magnanimously with all employees regardless of the employee's perceived behavior towards the company.

TAAL believes strongly in the need to maintain and improve the quality of the environment. The company shall therefore strive to ensure that its operations comply with all applicable laws and standards, have no adverse impact on the environment and where possible make a positive contribution to improving the quality of the environment.

Health and Safety
The Company will comply with all applicable Laws and relevant industry standards of practice concerning protection of health and safety of its employees in the work place and other persons affected by its business activities. Protection of health and safety is of vital importance to the Company and the management of the Company shall take such actions as are reasonable and necessary to achieve such goal and carry out this policy.

If any person has reason to believe that the company or a person working for the company is deviating from the above policies we request him/her to send a letter stating the nature of the grievance and his/her name and address to:
The Chairman
Taneja Aerospace & Aviation Ltd.
Lunkad Towers, Viman Nagar
Pune 411014

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